.. earlier chit chat edited out for relevancy....

ladycgc: did everyone see the Agenda I posted today?

vampire_resource_exchange: yep
moonchild1153: have it in front of me
Merticus X: *nods*
goddess32068: yes
lady_slinky: as do I.
goddess32068: well i suggest posting each item as we go
goddess32068: that way its logged
ladycgc: I agree.
ladycgc: First I want to thank all of you for your interest!
goddess32068: yw
ladycgc: I'm actually thrilled that the idea is taking off so well
vampire_resource_exchange: I think it's a great idea
goddess32068: i think so too
ladycgc: Well to start off with... since everyone has read the Agenda... First.. was there any disagreement with my Purpose for the group?

ladycgc: My goals for the VRC:

a place to start bettering communications between communities
a means to put groups doing like research together
a way to promote better research among the communities
adycgc: (remembers to copy it so it logs, lol)

Merticus X: No objections here.
goddess32068: good ideas
vampire_resource_exchange: sounds great to me
lady_slinky: I think its vague
ladycgc: I realize this group could lead to all kinds of complicated problems and I'd like to try and keep it simple, in both purpose and in how we run it
goddess32068: sometimes vague is good lol
ladycgc: It has the potential to grow, that is the reason its somewhat vague
ladycgc: we have an opportunity to shape this whatever way we want.. and so I am counting on seeing how it evolves and finding out where everyone sees it going
ladycgc: I think what may be more important than what the group is.. is what its NOT
ladycgc: What this group is NOT:

This is NOT a rule making or governing body, as such we have no right to dictate rules or behaviours to member communities

This is NOT a clique... any group / community may have representation

This group has no right to dictate rules or behaviour outside of our meetings.

This is NOT a debate group. Its for sharing info, research, arranging joint projects, and mutual cooperation.

moonchild1153: I would like to say that this is something that I have waited a very long time to see . . .
ladycgc: a non political council?
ladycgc: **laughs..
goddess32068: lol
ladycgc: I think it will be a first, actually
lady_slinky: possibly
goddess32068: my bachelors degree is in political science **chuckles**
lady_slinky: nothing is without its own politics.
Tannaidhe has joined the conference.

moonchild1153: true
ladycgc: I tried to word what the group is NOT so that it will not be mistaken or misconstrued into a political animal
goddess32068: good idea
ladycgc: I think to succeed this group has got to remain a non rule making, non partisan council
lady_slinky: Suceed at what exactly?
ladycgc: for sharing info and research rather than trying to force any group to our way of thinking
ladycgc: Every group and community already has its own rules and Ideas
moonchild1153: we would be in essence a clearing house for information?
lady_slinky: How will we differ from crimson tongue?
Tannaidhe: A clearing house and a highway
goddess32068: may i say something
ladycgc: I'd like this council to be a way for us all to share what out groups are doing, and what research we are involved in as well as provide a way for groups doing similar research to connect
goddess32068: i have a slight suggestion
lady_slinky: I think that is an excellent goal.
ladycgc: fire away Mary, no need to stand on ceremony, lol
Tannaidhe: And also if we can provide an up-front, 'non-partisan', broad-spectrum 'gateway' to the communities, "real" researchers might be more interested in doing some "real" research.
ladycgc: I"m open to all suggestions as this council will benefit us all a nd will take all of us to work
goddess32068: In the VN, COD, and HRL I have basically one rule --respect--I ask that all people show respect for each other regardless of paths or ideas or beliefs
goddess32068: it works well
lady_slinky: It seems there are a lot of individual groups cropping up with the same goal. What I do not see is any of those groups working together or with the resources that already exist.
ladycgc: I agree Tanna... the ability to poll and sample large numbers of vampyres is attractive to all of us who do vamp research
ladycgc: mary I dont' think this council will work if we can't show that very kind of respect for each others ideas
goddess32068: and allows the ability to have ppl from a variety of paths working together
ladycgc: the very fact we are entertaining the idea of having reps from a number of boards and groups who's basic philosophies do NOT jive, will require us to show respect
Merticus X: Institutional researchers will emerge when the foundation or rather the structure for contacting and gathering data from this community is plausible.
goddess32068: I agree mert
goddess32068: may i call u mert?
Merticus X: Too much bias against us in the "educational" fields.
ladycgc: and in the meantime, Merticus, Our communities will benefit from the better communications about what we are all researching
Merticus X: Everyone does - it's ok
Tannaidhe: Unfortunately, that very respecy and non-partisanship will inevitably lead to disagreements like the one that happened about the 'theories'
goddess32068: ok ty
goddess32068: just call me Vampy or Rev
Merticus X: Will do
ladycgc: I dont' see any need for theories or anything else to be argued at council meetings, since I am hoping the meetings will simply act as an opportunity for each rep to provide a synopsis of what is going on in their groups and announce what they will be posting as files to the group for everyone to see
lady_slinky: I agree
moonchild1153: there is your potential mission statement right there CG
ladycgc: That research will then be available on the site
Tannaidhe: Oh, I completely agree. Meetings are a different subject than I was talking about
ladycgc: if they want to argue it, they can do so in their own groups **evil grin
lady_slinky: How will the research be orgnanised?
Tannaidhe: But you must realize that anyone looking to do serious research won't be seeing the meetings... they'll be seeing the mailing list
ladycgc: Each group already does its own research.. we'll simply be offering them a way to tell everyone else what they are doing and see who else is doing the same thing.. We'
ladycgc: ll have to figure out how to organize it on the site
Merticus X: One question.. this idea of the VRC (if I may call it that) is to join groups conducting research together and compliment their efforts or to conduct the research themselves - ie: a body of researchers or a body set up to connect researchers?
ladycgc: a folder for meetings logs... and several sorted folders for different types of research
Merticus X: Ok I think you just answered most of what I wrote CG. ty
ladycgc: oh and a folder by month of activities and a synpsis of what each group is doing
ladycgc: as provided by the reps
lady_slinky: do we have use of the yahoo calander?
ladycgc: for example... I do research on S&M... I write up a synopsis for group meetings of what is new at S&M, what research we are currently doing.. and maybe I need other groups who are willing to post a poll for me on their groups, that I will need the results from, in return I'll do the same for other groups
ladycgc: as far as I know, yes, slinky
goddess32068: yes it will work
goddess32068: the calendar that is
lady_slinky: Thats a good place fore events then
goddess32068: im no computer genius but i do all this stuff with my groups
ladycgc: and if other groups are doing the same thing I am, I might be willign to work WITH them rather than both doing the same thing on a smaller scale
goddess32068: so I can help you guys with the calendar if needed
ladycgc: exellent, Thank you Vampy.
goddess32068: yw
lady_slinky: Now I know I am not seeing all the posts
ladycgc: I"ll need help. so I'll be modding people who are willing to volenteer to help run this egroup and help keep it tidy as the council aquires info that needs to be filed, etc
lady_slinky: I am going to go out and try to come back in
goddess32068: add me slinky
goddess32068: and ill invite
lady_slinky has left the conference.

lady_slinky has joined the conference.

ladycgc: I invited her back
goddess32068: ok
lady_slinky: ok hopefully I fixed the problem
ladycgc: LOL
lady_slinky: everyone say hi.
moonchild1153: hI
ladycgc: HI!
Tannaidhe: Hi!!!
vampire_resource_exchange: hello
Merticus X: Hello
goddess32068: hi
ladycgc: gee we're a friendly bunch!
Tannaidhe: lol
lady_slinky: so far I have Marlene, CGC and Merticus
goddess32068: uh oh
vampire_resource_exchange: hmmmm
goddess32068: not me
ladycgc: AVA hasnt' responded
Tannaidhe: You missed a few then
House AVA: I'm here - remote
ladycgc: yay!
ladycgc: lol
lady_slinky: k I just hate that onesides convo thing
ladycgc: OK..

ladycgc: What needs to be decided at tonights meeting?:

*A format for future meetings

ladycgc: I'm open to suggestions on this one
ladycgc: we meet we do roll call.. then what?
Merticus X: I guess IRC is out of the question as far as platforms?
ladycgc: I can do IRC...
Tannaidhe: A quick summary of important things that have happened since the last meeting?
ladycgc: but I know some others might have issues with it...
moonchild1153: present any new projects
goddess32068: well may i
goddess32068: i usually do old business
lady_slinky: First we should probably adress old business
goddess32068: new business
goddess32068: and discussion
lady_slinky: things not finished from the last meeting or followups
Merticus X: Anyone going to pull out highlights in the log and present point of interest notes for meetings?
ladycgc: Ok.. so old business, then new, such as new rep applications etc
lady_slinky: that brings us to the question of council positions
ladycgc: lets talk format THEN positions...
ladycgc: since we're already on format, lol
Merticus X: I believe I missed the message on yahoo on the applications section.. less that was automatic.
ladycgc: we discussed it early one.. we do have an invitation to give to groups who are interested or whom we think might be interested
lady_slinky: I would say old business then new member welcome.
ladycgc: OK.. then new business, then each rep can discuss what thier group is up to and what research they are doing if any
lady_slinky: after new member welcome comes new research submissions and events or a summary from each rep.
ladycgc: Each rep can be responisble for posting their group update to the egroup file
goddess32068: Call to order - Roll call, Welcomes,Old Bus, New Bus, Closing discussion, adjourn
ladycgc: the mods can just make sure its posted in the correct place, saves work
lady_slinky: I think that the actual information should be subbmitted via file or email though.
ladycgc: each rep should still give a group update
lady_slinky: we could have a fill the blank form.
ladycgc: at the council meeting
ladycgc: that could work
ladycgc: its a good start, which is what we need
ladycgc: I think it will evolve as we need it to
ladycgc: postions on the council
lady_slinky: What positions are needed?
ladycgc: I think the chair should be elected and shoudl change frequently
ladycgc: We will need a secretary!
lady_slinky: indeed
ladycgc: or two
lady_slinky: Council techy
moonchild1153: a backup incase
goddess32068: How about rotating Chair every three months
lady_slinky: Research monkey
ladycgc: one to keep track of reps and one to keep the site tidy and they will have to work together a bit
Tannaidhe: Three months may be a bit fast, especially at first
lady_slinky: what would the chair be responsible for?
Merticus X: You'll need a spokesperson to go between the groups and solicit support or rather involvement.
goddess32068: rotating verses voting one in cuts out the politics
ladycgc: first we need to decide how often the council will meet!
ladycgc: Mert that is the chairs job
lady_slinky: Good idea goddess
Merticus X: Big job for a single chair.
ladycgc: very good idea
ladycgc: true its a big job, but not that big
ladycgc: mostly PR
lady_slinky: I think the chair should be in charge of the meeting and not much more.
ladycgc: if chair is in charge of meeting only, who does PR?
ladycgc: or do we all do it?
lady_slinky: A leasion (however that is spelled) is the one who does inter community relations
goddess32068: all should
ladycgc: which is acceptable, as far as I am concerned
Merticus X: I suggest we all do it.
ladycgc: liason?
lady_slinky: yes
moonchild1153: but we need to figure out who does what where
lady_slinky: that looks right
goddess32068: in each of our groups we are in that allows that advertising
moonchild1153: would do no good to be stepping on each others toes
goddess32068: upload links
moonchild1153: soliciting the same groups
goddess32068: do banner exchange
Tannaidhe: I think, for rotating the chair, the secretary in charge of reps should keep track of each group's involvement... and whoever has gone the longest since holding the chair position should receive it
goddess32068: link exchange
ladycgc: I wasn't thinking of meeting every month
ladycgc: I'll toss that out , lol
goddess32068: the secretary keeps minutes and such
lady_slinky: I think every month is too much
goddess32068: ?
lady_slinky: I would suggest every 3 at most
Merticus X: What frequency were you considering?
ladycgc: every month is a lot, especially since we all have other commitments and our groups to manage
ladycgc: why not every two months?
goddess32068: Well alot can happen in three mnths
lady_slinky: most community leaders are already really bogged down with responsibilities
ladycgc: two months is not too often and we'll all have things to talk about, lol
goddess32068: true
Merticus X: I'm fine with bi-monthly.
moonchild1153: and it is not so long that things won't fall through the cracks
lady_slinky: Yes a lot can happen in 3 months but does it really?
ladycgc: the chair could change twice a year
lady_slinky: I am willing to start with every 2 months as there is much to accomplish in the begining however I would like to come back to it at a later date.
ladycgc: everyone takes a turn at chairing the meetings
goddess32068: two months is fine with me
ladycgc: I agree, Slinky.. we'll play it by ear, and start with two months
vampire_resource_exchange: Two months is good
ladycgc: so .. while we are at this point... lets make a date for the next meeting, lol
goddess32068: 6 month chair rotation
ladycgc: yes.. we'll choose a new chair every three meetings
Tannaidhe: this group has to be an evolving one to survive... I think anything and everything, except the 'no politics/decrees' rule should be up for debate/discussion whenever a rep feels it should be addressed/
ladycgc: to some degree I agree, Tanna.. I think we need to try to stick to SOME structure though...
Merticus X: Yes, if something comes up before the 2 months that is of importance I think the chair should be able to call a meeting.
ladycgc: like basic meeting structure
lady_slinky: something like what?
Merticus X: Never know what could happen.. lol
ladycgc: that would be acceptable, Mert.. if there were something earthshaking, like... gentics find the answers to vampyrism, lol
ladycgc: or something equally astounding
lady_slinky: sure
Tannaidhe: I didn't mean it would be in constant flux... but, say, a rep feels something should be *added* to the meeting structure, I think they should have the right to bring it up
ladycgc: it could happen.. who knows.. an emergency that affects us all...
goddess32068: well we have the e-group to discuss on in between meetings
ladycgc: I think we have that built into the meeting structure by having discussion time after the reps present their updates
ladycgc: thats a good point too Vampy
Tannaidhe: ::nods::
ladycgc: *Behavioural expectations for meetings?
Merticus X: Yes, and it's not like we can't talk to each other in msg at anytime also.
ladycgc: I think we covered it but lets be clear
goddess32068: but i suggest setting eemail at least to daily digest
Tannaidhe: One thing to address here....
ladycgc: no... I dont' do daily digest
ladycgc: I have over 60 groups
Tannaidhe: Will it be a free-for-all, or will it be 'raise your hand to speak'?
goddess32068: i do individual myself
lady_slinky: No fighting
Merticus X: I can't either... too many groups here.
goddess32068: lol
vampire_resource_exchange: no name calling... I am sick of being on groups and mes
vampire_resource_exchange: message boards that go strait to name calling I believe we are all above that
ladycgc: no name calling.. in fact I honestly think we should keep the meeting itself as proffessional as possible
lady_slinky: exactly
ladycgc: there is some sense to hiding behind a businesslike facade
ladycgc: it keeps the info giving impersonal
ladycgc: we can always fall back on "its science not politics"
lady_slinky: well not really cause its not science
ladycgc: in reality the meetings SHOULD be businesslike.
ladycgc: shhhh slinky... if we hide behind science there isnt' room for politics, lol!
lady_slinky: lol
ladycgc: and if possible the meetings should also be polite and as impersonal as possible.. there is always room for opinions and debate AFTER the meetings for anyone intersted in doing that
ladycgc: but to preserve peace I suggest a businesslike approach
ladycgc: not cold, but polite
lady_slinky: Well if the meetings are for information exchange there shouldn't be reason for debate
ladycgc: what do we do if someone doesn't hold to the rules of conduct?
goddess32068: i must go guys --i have to be up early and its 11 here
lady_slinky: joe says we are having a dance on thursday susie says jeff wrote a paper its in the files
lady_slinky: goodnight
vampire_resource_exchange: nite
ladycgc: i"ll post it for you Mary, and we've covered most of the stuff anyway
goddess32068: have a good evening all
ladycgc: **hugs
goddess32068: ty cg
goddess32068: hugs all
lady_slinky: Place them on veiw only
lady_slinky: ?
goddess32068 has left the conference.

ladycgc: its a possibility... if they are continuously disruptive we can ask thier group for another rep?
lady_slinky: true
ladycgc: vote them off the island?
Merticus X: That will work if they aren't the primary elder/patriarch of the group.
lady_slinky: that would then be a desision
ladycgc: I guess some things we'll have to deal with as they come up, lol
Tannaidhe: I would say a 'three strikes you're out' sort of attitude
lady_slinky: well we can like adults simply not respond to it and firmly but politly insist the meeting stick to the agenda
ladycgc: I'd like to hold another setup meeting.. anyone interested?
ladycgc: slinky i think THAT would be optimal,but can we DO it!
lady_slinky: I think there is much set up left to do.
ladycgc: I agree
Tannaidhe: I'll come if I can
vampire_resource_exchange: sure I'm game
Merticus X: Fine by me
lady_slinky: No I find that in the history of boards no one has.
ladycgc: everyone willing to meet again.. and maybe bring a friend if you know anyone interested?
lady_slinky: I think we should do setup disscussion on list
lady_slinky: this way there is far less wait time and far more imput.
ladycgc: I"m open in three weeks or a month for another meeting... I can TRY and squeeze one in two weeks form now...
ladycgc: I did promise Neal I'd try and slow down a bit, lol.. as most of you know I've been ill
ladycgc: It hink we can continue setup on the list, yes
ladycgc: but I'd still like to meet on it again soon and see where we are at?
lady_slinky: I am busy till feburary
ladycgc: anyone for meeting____ **Looks at calendar...
lady_slinky: If you set up a meeting I might be able to squeeze it in though.
Merticus X: I'm busy all Fri/Sat's
ladycgc: Feb 9?
lady_slinky: Sounds good atm for me.
ladycgc: I dont' do weekends either.. thats Neals time with me
vampire_resource_exchange: This is a tad off topic but, I will be phasing out my yahoo group soon, but I am a member of a group for all kin, would I still be able to stay a part of the Council on the cou
lady_slinky: what day of the week is that?
vampire_resource_exchange: the 9th works for me
ladycgc: of course.. I allowed some space for researchers who represent self interstes
ladycgc: interests, even
vampire_resource_exchange: wonderful!!
ladycgc: I know several good researchers not attached to ANY group or community
lady_slinky: We can always tag you research monkey and then you have to stay
ladycgc: LOL.. right.. make her secretary!
vampire_resource_exchange: sounds good to me.... I have my fingers into everyhtin lol
Merticus X: The research that is being conducted currently by various groups - where is this information to be posted?
moonchild1153 has left the conference.

ladycgc: We'll upload it to files on the egroup
ladycgc: we can ask it be presented or uploaded as text files or something simple like that
Merticus X: Ok I'll write something up in the coming week or two.
ladycgc: thank you!@
ladycgc: VRE.... I'll make you and slinky and vampy mods on teh egroup for now so we can start that work
ladycgc: if you two agree?
ladycgc: we can make the files and such and get things in order
lady_slinky: You will want them uploaded zipped
Merticus X: I don't object.
lady_slinky: otherwise you will end up running out of room fast
ladycgc: no... just uploaded to the proper files on the egroup site
vampire_resource_exchange: sure, I will say though that like I said earlyer I have a little one to take care of so I don't know how involved I will be able to be
ladycgc: we'll play that by ear too
ladycgc: **smiles... Ok.. same time on the 9th and I'll see you all on the egroup to go from here? Agreed?
vampire_resource_exchange: Agreed
Merticus X: *nods*
lady_slinky: aagreed
Tannaidhe: ::nods::
ladycgc: i"ll upload this log to the egroup and announce the date for the next meeting on the group
lady_slinky: k
vampire_resource_exchange: sounds like a plan
ladycgc: perfect! nice work for one evening!
ladycgc: thank you ALL for helping out!
ladycgc: I'm really excited about this project!
vampire_resource_exchange: no prob
House AVA: Take care
House AVA has left the conference.

vampire_resource_exchange: your not the only one, I am too
vampire_resource_exchange: have a good nite